First Maryland Company News & Events
2024 Meeting
Jamestowne Society Membership Meeting in Richmond, VA, on 3 and 4 November - 2023
Members of the First Marlyand Company attended the Governor's Dinner
at the Commonwealth Club in Richmond, VA, on 4 Nov 2022
The First Maryland Company held its Annual Meeting and elected a new slate of
officers on 26 Oct 2022 at the Montgomery Country Club, Laytonsville, MD.
Members of the First Maryland Company attended the Spring Meeting and luncheon
at the Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg, VA, on 23 April 2022.
Members of the First Maryland Company attended the programme
"A Time for Remembrance" at Jamestowne on the 22nd of March, 2022
Our November 2021 Annual Meeting was held at Maggiano’s Restaurant
in Annapolis, MD, on 17 November.
Three members of the First Maryland Company attended the Jamestowne Society Annual Meeting
at the Commonwealth Club in Richmond, VA, on 6 Nov 2021.
On Tuesday, May 14th, 16 members and 6 guests met
at Fisherman’s Inn restaurant in Graysonville (on Kent Island), Maryland. Following a short business meeting and a
delicious lunch, they were treated to an informative and entertaining
presentation by the President of the Kent Island Heritage Society.
Most of the First Maryland Company members and their guest speaker
Following lunch, the President of the Kent Island Heritage Association. Jack Broderick, talked about Kent Island’s origins as a trading post explored, founded and established by Jamestowne settler Colonel William Claiborne; how the island became part of the Maryland colony, and the ensuing battles (political and actual) over the island’s change in ownership. His talk focused mainly on the 1600’s events that established Kent Island as part of Virginia and then transferred its ownership to Maryland. However, he also talked about more recent events that have affected the island’s growth and development, ending with the building in 1952 of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. Mr. Broderick ended his presentation by telling his audience that many old Kent Island families proudly proclaim that they are descended from “Claiborne’s Men,” thus keeping alive Kent Island’s Jamestowne, Virginia connection. A lively question and answer session followed his presentation.
As a token of appreciation, Company Governor Harry Redd and Treasurer Jerry Zillion presented to Mr. Broderick a $50 honorarium check payable to the Kent Island Heritage Society.
Company Governor Harry Redd (l.) and Treasurer Jerry Zillion (r.) presented a check to guest
speaker Jack Broderick for use of the Kent Island Heritage Society.